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Yes to Invest

Will every project touch me in some way?

Please take the time to read my comments. I am one of many former chairmen of the Laurens County Chamber of Commerce. I like to think of myself as a “half breed” ½ white collar and ½ blue collar. I’m not a “suit” guy either. I’m just a guy who cares and has cared for the community in which I’ve lived, raised a family, operated a business, and attended church regularly not because I have to, but because I want to. I fully support the CAPITAL PROJECT SALES TAX (1%) and I respectfully ask that you consider supporting it too. I’m excited about the list of 16 projects and the positives they will bring to Laurens County when completed. Will every project touch me in some way? Not hardly, but they will touch a large number of people in our community. Laurens County needs those 16 projects which will improve the quality of life for many and some of the projects will draw people from outside our county and hopefully they’ll spend some money while they’re here. 1% for 8 years for these 16 projects only, period!! Can’t be extended or renewed without another taxpayer referendum. It’s projected that 40% of what’s collected will be from out of county folks meaning you and I get a lot of new and improved benefits for 60 cents on the dollar. Plus, some of the “must” projects on the list will get done without having our property taxes go up where we’re getting hammered for 100% of the costs. Allow me to close by saying that like most people I don’t like tax increases, but this is a fractional (60%) tax and our county and its people are getting something back for what’s being spent. Laurens County is a wonderful county, but we at times can drag our feet at the expense of keeping up with needed services and upgrades. This CAPITAL PROJECT will improve a lot of needed things at a fraction of the cost of going it alone by way of property tax hikes. Please Join Me in Voting YES to Invest on November 3rd. Thank you for taking the time to read this note and God Bless.

Respectfully, Bill Baldwin LCCC Past Chairman

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