STAFF REPORT Jan 30, 2020 Updated Jan 30, 2020
The Capital Project Sales Tax Commission met on January 21 and approved itself a logo and a motto: “Penny for Progress.”
The six-person committee, chaired by Walter Hughes III, is charged with determining how the proceeds of the Capital Project Sales Tax, if approved by the voters in a referendum on November 3, are to be used. Providing the voters with specific uses for the sales-tax proceeds is required by law.
The commission then arrived at an application process. Citizens and organizations will submit needed projects and present them to the commission. In order to prevent a backlog of presentations, presentations will be limited to 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of questions from commission members. Each commission meeting will hear no more than three presentations.
The agenda of each meeting will include a time for the public to ask questions or express concerns.
The next meeting of the commission is Tuesday, February 5, at the Laurens County Chamber of Commerce, beginning at 5 p.m.